Top Scholarships in New Zealand Study Visa in Chandigarh for International Students

Aspiring to study in New Zealand? You’d be glad to know that New Zealand offers a range of scholarship for International students to help them achieve their career without any hindrance.
Experience a high-quality education system and a magnificent lifestyle at New Zealand with Pathvista Consultant (A Licensed Immigration Adviser Company). Get sort of visas such as Student Visa, Partnership Visa, and Family Visa. You can also solve your queries regarding immigration and Best immigration Consultants in Chandigarh.


New Zealand Development Scholarship
It offers the International students from the developing countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean the opportunity to study in New Zealand to gain skills and knowledge (Post-graduate study) in particular areas, assisting in the development of their country.  The scholarship includes travel costs, tuition fee, living allowance, and insurance.

New Zealand ASEAN Scholar Awards
It is for the International students from Southeast Asian countries, willing to pursue Postgraduate studies in New Zealand with an intention to work for the development of their home countries.  The scholarships include travel costs, living allowance, insurance, and tuition fees.

New Zealand Pacific Scholarship
It is for candidates from selected countries in the Pacific Region such as Cook Islands, Fiji, Marshall Islands, and New Guinea which supports both Undergraduate and Postgraduate study in New Zealand.  The scholarship includes travel costs, tuition fees, living allowance, and insurance.


University of Otago International Research Scholarship
The University of Otago offers funding to support International students, undertaking a research or thesis-based Masters Degree at the University.  Stipend is given every year along with no student services fee and insurance amount.

University of Waikato International Scholarship
The University of Waikato offers Scholarship for International students in North America, Latin America, Europe, South Asia, East Asia and Middle East, and Southeast Asia who have displayed excellence in their earlier studies.

Victoria Masters Scholarship

In order to encourage Postgraduate research, the Victoria University offers scholarships to students who are going to enroll in a full-time, research-based Master’s degree. The scholarship includes stipend and domestic fees.
A scholarship is a profound way to help you pay your living expenses especially when you are studying abroad.
Know everything about scholarships, universities, and Student Visa from Gokula G. Pillai one of the best immigration consultants and a Permanent Resident of New Zealand.

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